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Detroit, MI

The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.



The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.


Filtering by Category: Real Talk

An update on my status.

Bruna Camargo

Okay, everyone. My blog is currently a feather in the wind. I have been incredibly, totally, ridiculously busy. Pedro’s family is in town from Brazil, and we are on hosting mode level hard. If you’ve missed me (lol), I’m sorry. Even I’ve missed me.

The month of December has flown by in the blink of an eye, and now that doomsday lies less than 24 hours away from us, it kind of makes you think. What if it really does go down? Did you finish cleaning your room? Are all your work/school projects over with? Did you try all the food you wanted to try? Did you tell everyone, including the UPS guy that brings you your orders that you love him??

You guys, we’re all screwed! Everyone has loose ends, something they haven’t quite accomplished or completed. I know I have a ton of those. Well, this post is getting very depressing, very quickly.

Just frickin’ Carpe Diem, y’all. Don’t leave anything for tomorrow. We might go up in a ball of flame…



Bruna Camargo


So it’s been quite a long hiatus I’ve taken from the blog. A lot has happened since my last post. Like I said, I went to Brazil for a week in order to visit my grandfather in the hospital. The overnight decision to pick up and just go turned out to be the best thing my family and I ever did. Our beloved Grandpa held out until the very last day we were there. 

I had never had to deal with the loss of a person so close to me, and I guess it was both very saddening but also very enlightening. It’s not a cliche to love. It’s not a cliche to live your life like every day was your last. It is rather, very eye-opening.

So now I’m slowly but surely getting back on behind the wheel of my own routine, kicking a pesky cold, and enjoying as the leaves begin to fall. I’m gearing up for autumn, my favorite season of all, getting rid of the old and embracing the new (wardrobe and attitude. ha!). Change is good. Change is always good.


So, what’s been up with you guys? What’s new? What’s old? What’s changing?

xo - Bruna

Mint Sweater: Forever 21 // Sunnies: Coach [similar] // Necklace: Forever 21 [similar] // Black Denim: Express // Bracelet: Express // Floral Print Belt: Forever 21 // Studded Bag: Forever 21 [similar] // Booties: Forever 21 [similar] // Lip color: Rebel by MAC


Bruna Camargo


Hi everyone. It’s been a crazy couple of days. From learning my grandfather fell really ill in Brazil, to rustling up a plane ticket to go visit him, it’s been a handful. And between that and trying to tie up loose ends at work, I have had no time to post. I apologize for my absence, but you understand. Sometimes life… happens.

Anyway, I will be gone this week, visiting my grandpa in the hospital. I will see if I can squeeze some photos from my hometown - Sao Paulo - and maybe even an outfit post? (very maybe ha.)

So I leave you with Maggie, who I will miss dearly for the week. You know who else I’ll miss? The birthday boy Pedro. I can’t believe he gets to spend his birthday alone. :( 

Follow me on Instagram (@bruntunes) to get up-to-date news on my trip. 

Please send me and my grandpa good vibes!

XO - B