Bruna Camargo

Hi everyone. It’s been a crazy couple of days. From learning my grandfather fell really ill in Brazil, to rustling up a plane ticket to go visit him, it’s been a handful. And between that and trying to tie up loose ends at work, I have had no time to post. I apologize for my absence, but you understand. Sometimes life… happens.
Anyway, I will be gone this week, visiting my grandpa in the hospital. I will see if I can squeeze some photos from my hometown - Sao Paulo - and maybe even an outfit post? (very maybe ha.)
So I leave you with Maggie, who I will miss dearly for the week. You know who else I’ll miss? The birthday boy Pedro. I can’t believe he gets to spend his birthday alone. :(
Follow me on Instagram (@bruntunes) to get up-to-date news on my trip.
Please send me and my grandpa good vibes!
XO - B