Bruna Camargo of StyleMile. Photo by Mioara Dragan.
Let's take a walk down StyleMile.
For as long as I remember, my older sister would catch me playing dress-up in her clothes. After growing up with a love for quirky fashion and all things fabulous, I finally decided to launch StyleMile in March of 2012.
My name is Bruna Camargo, and I'm a Brazilian girl living in the suburbs of Detroit, MI. StyleMile is my unique expression and my way of having fun with my (always-growing) wardrobe. I strive to inspire readers to discover their own style just as I'm always evolving mine.
If you’re interested in advertising here, collaborating, or just feel like dropping a word, I’d love to hear from you at hello@style-mile.com.
My Philosophy Is Simple.
Confidence is the most beautiful accessory a girl can have. It changes your attitude, behavior, and ultimately the way you see yourself. This is my style diary and my chance to feel confident and comfortable in my own skin. Ready to start walkin'?
Quick Facts.
Name: Bruna Camargo
Age: 25
Location: Detroit, MI
Place of Birth: São Paulo, Brazil
Favorite Food: Italian
Favorite Adult Beverage: Vodka Cranberry
Favorite Coffee Beverage: White-Chocolate Mocha
Occupations: Advertising Copywriter,
Social Media Community Manager,
Part-Time Photographer &
Full-Time Girlfriend.
All images and content © Bruna Camargo 2014
All photography by Pedro Pacheco unless otherwise noted.