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Detroit, MI

The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.



The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.


Filtering by Tag: 90s

Clueless AF

Bruna Camargo

Oh, the 90's. A time when schoolgirl appeal was as popular as Bill Clinton's extra-marital adventures – #BillNMon4Ever. Spaghetti straps, butterfly clips and midriffs flooded school hallways everywhere, to the horror and dismay of unprepared mothers who forgot they lived through the 70's. 

When it comes to the decade that happened surprisingly not 10 years ago, the nostalgia is real. And just like that one guy you met at a rave in your friend's cousin's basement, the 90's keep coming back.

So in 2015, I still crave 90's charm. To get my fix, I merged current trends with the Clueless decade. Like, Cher Horowitz would have totally loved this lewk. And instead of trusting Polaroids, she'd wait to hit at least 1,500 likes on Instagram before leaving the house.    

Clueless af? As if!

Port: Ah, os anos 90. Um tempo tão apaixonado por sainhas colegiais quanto as aventuras extra-conjugais de Bill Clinton – Ainda shippava #Bill&Monica. Um tempo que vestidos de alcinha, clipes de cabelo de borboletas e umbigos reinavam e inundavam os corredores das escolas, para o desespero de mães que esqueceram que sobreviveram os anos 70.

A nostalgia da década, que aconteceu há (acreditem, mais de) 10 anos atrás, é enorme hoje em dia. E assim, como aquele carinha chato que você conheceu numa festa de clubbers, os anos 90 continuam dando as caras.

Agora em 2015, quis renovar a moda, sem perder o charme da década. Cher Horowitz, a patricinha mais famosa de Beverly Hills, amaria esse look. E ao invés de tirar fotos Polaroids, esperaria chegar a 1,500 likes no Instagram antes de sair de casa.

Clueless pra caramba? Até parece!

\\ Photos by Remy Roman //


Jacket: Zara [similar on sale from H&M] // Jacquard Skirt: Zara [similar from Express]
Cross String Top: Forever21 [similar from ASOS] // Patent Loafers: Zara
Sunglasses: Chanel // Diane Mini Bag: Jason Wu