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Detroit, MI

The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.



The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.



Bruna Camargo

With the holidays almost here, I noticed that I'm basically pushing the boundaries to feel the most like wearing pajamas without actually having to.

From long sweaters to ugly sweaters to sweating in sweaters (because it's not actually that cold), getting cozy in giant, enormous, fuzzy knits that warm your skin and your heart (plus your butt to boot) is literally the most important way to celebrate the arrival of this mild winter in the Northern hemisphere. Well, that and Netflix and actually chilling.

So come along on this fuzzcapade with me and get ready to fuzz up for yourself, too! 

Port: Com as festas de fim de ano quase chegando, a preguiça bate e a vontade de sair por aí de pijama grita. 

A solução? Blusas de lã de todos os tipos: casacos compridos, aquelas blusas breguinhas de Natal, e um pouquinho de suor quando eu esquecer de botar algo mais fresquinho por baixo (porque nem ta tão frio assim). Chegar no nível maximo de aconchego pra esquentar o coração (e a bunda) é sem dúvida nenhuma, a melhor maneira de comemorar o chegada deste inverno bobo do hemisfério norte.

Então partiu ficar cheio de coceira com blusa de lã comigo? Vem, é tão gostooooso...


Long Sweater: Thakoon Addition // Bag: Badgley Mischka // Sunnies: Elizabeth and James
Booties: H&M // Beanie: Forever 21 // White button-down: H&M

What's your go-to sweater this season?