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Detroit, MI

The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.



The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.


Filtering by Category: Style


Bruna Camargo

Good morning! I’ve had a lovely, wonderful, SO needed and relaxing weekend. Spent time with friends, with the man, with some cocktails, and a microphone. Went to karaoke for my friend Lauren’s birthday, where we all got our groove and vocals cords on. 

This super easy to style boho chic dress was the perfect choice. Easy to dress up with the heels, but just as easy to dress down with some flats. And now that summer seems to be coming close to a close, this dress could also be transition with tights and boots for a fall look. 

How are you styling your hot summer days/chilly nights?

*Dress: H&M [similar] // Military Jacket: H&M [similar] // Shoes: Zara // Earrings: Thrifted // Rings: Forever 21 // Belt: Forever 21 // Sunnies: Kate Spade via The Real Real

Photos by Pedro & I.


Bruna Camargo

These pants make me want to break out my imaginary fine china and serve a fancy imaginary dinner to my imaginary guests. Clearly I have a lot of time to day dream. 

Now that the heat finally let up a bit, we can go back to non-sweaty, less scantily-clad outfits. Although, I’m not really complaining about that. ;)

Sunnies: Kate Spade via TheRealReal // Top: Joa + Closet [on sale here] // Pants: H&M [similar] // Sandals: Tommy Hilfiger [similar] // Bag: DKNY [similar]

Photos by the Pedro. :)