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Detroit, MI

The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.



The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.


Filtering by Category: Style


Bruna Camargo


This week kept me deprived of sleep. Staying at work until 2am and then coming back for more at 9 really does something to you. For me, it gave me crazy dreams (I had a dream I was a gay man. I know, WHAT!?) and a situation with my hair. No good.


So Friday night, instead of the usual going out to a dinner and a movie, I just stayed home and caught up on my beauty sleep. And what does a lot of sleep give me? The energy to wake up and play a little bit of dress up!

I’ve been meaning to style these UH-MAZING shoes on here. I just absolutely love the mix of patterns and the wood heel. And the giant floppy and girly dress make me feel like I should be at the Kentucky Derby. Hope you all have an amazing weekend! 

xoxo - Bruna 

Dress: Love Culture [similar] // Floppy Hat: Mossimo Supply Co. [similar] // Shoes: Shoemint // Belt: Forever 21 [similar] // Wood bangle: Purchased in Brazil [similar] // Earrings: Thrifted

Photos by my wonderful and extremely supportive boyfriend. I love you. :)


Bruna Camargo


Hey, strangers. It’s been a little while. I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend. Unfortunately I had to work Thursday and Friday, and although I went to a Detroit Tigers ball game on the 4th, I wish I could have had a little more time to relax and breathe.


And after melting in the sweltering heat these past few weeks have brought upon us, it feels like (as I predicted) summer is slipping through the cracks. Someone please make it stay! I need to plan a getaway, or simply take a couple of days for myself before it’s gone. 

PS: Please excuse my permanent raging bitch face in these photos. I really am not a morning person. 

Blazer: Thrifted (!!!) Vintage Christian Dior [similar] & [more accessible] // Striped Top: Forever 21 // Jeans: Express // Leopard Loafers: Steve Madden // Bag: BCBGeneration [similar]// Collar Necklace: Forever 21 // Sunnies: Coach // Lipcolor: MAC Vegas Volt