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Detroit, MI

The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.



The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.


Filtering by Category: Fashion Event

Vlog: Get Ready w/ Me & Backstage at Meghan Trainor

Bruna Camargo

Yay, it's here! My first video EVER for StyleMile. I'm beyond thrilled to be sharing this with you guys, because not only was it an amazing experience, but because I feel there are other great things on the way. I hope you like it and please let me know what you think! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel, too! 

Port: Pessoal, também adicionei legendas em português no vídeo para vocês poderem seguir direitinho! Eba!! Espero que vocês gostem do meu primeiro vlog e que se inscrevam no canal. Beijos! 


This experience was sponsored and made possible by HP as part of the #BendTheRules campaign with Meghan Trainor.
All opinions are my own. Learn more here.

Production: Remus Roman & Bruna Camargo // Edit: Bruna Camargo 

StyleMile in Hollywood: Elle Women in TV 2015

Bruna Camargo


Every once in a while, a regular girl gets a chance to wear a proverbial tiara and be in the presence of royalty. In my case, my tiara happened to be these tri-colored Jimmy Choo's and my queen was Lena Dunham. A few weeks ago, I attended the Elle Women in TV dinner in West Hollywood to do social media coverage of the event. My day started with breakfast on the Terrace of the historic Sunset Tower Hotel, followed by hair and makeup done by the Elle Magazine beauty squad. Finally, night fell, the star-studded red carpet got rolled out and that's when the fun began. Highlights of the night? Doing a "which way you going" dance in the bathroom threshold with Sia, sharing Midwest stories with Emily Wickersham and obviously doing a twirl for Maura Tierney after being asked "who are you wearing?" Celebs, they're just like us! 

Fact: Hollywood actresses DO eat, and eat well, noted by the french fries that disappeared from these girls' plates. I never thought I'd see ketchup and couture in the same room, but hey, there's a first time for everything.

Port: De vez em quando, uma garota comum se depara com a chance de vestir uma coroa e tricotar com a realeza. No meu caso, a minha coroa virou um par de Jimmy Choo's e a rainha era a Lena Dunham. Fui convidada ao jantar "Elle Women in TV" em West Hollywood para cobrir o evento nas mídias sociais pelo trabalho. Meu dia começou com o café da manhã no hotel histórico Sunset Tower. Depois, fiquei toda trabalhada no hair & make pelo time de beleza da Revista Elle. Por fim, caiu a noite, desenrolaram o tapete vermelho e foi aí que a começaram os babados. Destaques da noite? Aquela dancinha "opa, to entrando enquanto você ta saindo" na porta do banheiro com a cantora Sia, compartilhar histórias de Michigan e Missouri com a atriz Emily Wickersham e, claro, dar uma voltinha para mostrar o vestido pra Maura Tierney que me perguntou "quem você está vestindo?" Famosas... Gente como a gente!

Fato: Atrizes de Hollywood comem, e comem bem. Eu ali , apenas observando as fritas sumindo dos pratos. A gente pensa que nunca vai ver ketchup e haute-couture no mesmo ambiente, mas há uma primeira vez para tudo, né mermo?

Giggling at the step-and-repeat. "Beautiful! Let's see that dress!" the photogs yelled out at literally everyone. Such a weird/awesome moment. 

No kids' table for me.

The gorgeous Sunset Tower Hotel at, what do you know, sunset. 

Getting ready with Elle Magazine. Not a bad way to spend a Tuesday afternoon. 

Maura Tierney from The Affair, E.R. and Liar, Liar. She was the sweetest, I mean, look at that grin.

Lena being Lena. <3 The Elle Magazine February covergirl looked fab in a Prada dress. 

Lena being Lena. <3 The Elle Magazine February covergirl looked fab in a Prada dress. 

Makeup on point.

Makeup on point.

These faux eyelashes, though. 

Can I SuperGlue them on?


Erin from Elle and I trying to look coy and polished for the official photogs. Lolz.


Robbie Myers, Elle's Editor-in-Chief giving the opening words.

The Sunset Tower Hotel.

The setup was stunning.

                                                                          The view from my hotel room. Beats Michigan a little bit.

Airport style. Comfy and cozy. 

Taking myself on table-for-one dates at Everleigh.

Handbag: Times Arrow // White Sneakers // Plaid Shirt: Forever 21 // Leather Jacket: H&M

Couldn't have skipped a trip to the Santa Monica Pier. 

Cargo Jacket: H&M // Shoulder bag: Rebeca Minkoff // Yellow Sunglasses: Pixie Market
Sandals:  SOS [similar] // Floppy Hat: Santa Monica Promenade

Clouds in Santa Monica.

Chilly night hanging out in Venice. Jacket by Zara. Scarf stolen from Pedro. :)  

Rainy L.A. ain't too bad.


How can you not love a sunset like this? California, we're meant to be.


Disclaimer: I work for Ignite Social Media and this post was not sponsored or endorsed by the company. All opinions are my own. 

17 things I learned from walking down a runway

Bruna Camargo

The Ultimate Style Expo took place on August 3rd, 2014. It was a day full of fashion shows, shopping local, and the blogger competition I participated in. To sum it up, I had to style myself and werq the runway to show it off (modeling is HARD).

Thrift On The Ave made pieces available for use. When I found this long blue coat, and realized my non-model model moment was just like Carrie's from Sex and The City, I went for it.

So through this, I learned:

Port: O Ultimate Style Expo foi dia 3 de agosto de 2014. Um dia lotado de desfiles, designers locais, e a competição das blogueiras na qual eu participei. Resumindo, eu tive que criar um look e pagar de modelo (Alô, Gisele, rola umas dicas?)

Uma loja local emprestou peças para o desfile. Quando me deparei com esse casaco azul e percebi que estava vivendo um episódio de Sex and The CIty, não deu pra resistir a inspiração no look da Carrie.

Com isso, aprendi que:

1. Runway hair can never be big enough. // O cabelo pra passarela tem só uma regra: quanto maior, melhor.
2. Models' bare breasts are everywhere. But once you've seen 7 pairs, they all just look the same. // Todas as modelos pagam peitinho no backstage. Mas depois de sete pares, fica tudo muito normal. Haha.
3. You shouldn't expect any privacy behind-the-scenes (see number 2). AKA all them skinny models will see you changing, too. #allaboutthatbass  // Se você quer privacidade, vai pra casa (refira-se ao numero 2). Ou seja, se for se trocar, relaxa que todas as modelos magérrimas vão te ver. #todaschora

4. The degree of nervousness is directly correlated to how many people you know in the audience. // O nível de nervosismo está diretamente relacionado com o número de pessoas que você conhece na plateia.
5. The degree of awesomeness, too. // O nível de felicidade, também. 
6. Your jaw can do things you never knew it could do, like chatter together incessantly and uncontrollably while you walk. // Seu queixo faz coisas absurdas e descontroladas no nervoso.
7. Your fear of falling should not affect the number of twirls you do. // O seu medo de cair da passarela não pode afetar a quantidade de beijinhos no ombro que você manda às inimigas. 
8. Carrie Bradshaw's spirit CAN and WILL embody you if you "swear on Chanel." Luckily you can pick which parts. // O espírito da Carrie Bradshaw vai te possuir se você "jurar por Chanel." Ainda bem que tem como escolher as melhores partes.

Lauren Turner, entertainment and lifestyle reporter for CBS/The CW Detroit.

9. I gesticulate a LOT when I speak, especially in public. // Eu gesticulo demais quando falo, ainda mais em público.
10. Your family and friends can drop a bomb next to you, but you won't hear them screaming above your brain's constant "OMG don't fall, don't fall, don't fall, wtf is my jaw doing??" // Todos podem estar berrando e você não vai ouvir nada a não ser sua cabeça falando "Pelamordedeus não tropeça nessa merda, e meu queixo, como faz?"

11. Thighs, amirite. // Coxas, neam?

Kori Fields of "Colour By Number" & Leah Vernon of "Beauty and the Muse."

12. Detroit has this fashun shit in the bag. And it's a designer shoulder tote. // A presença de Detroit no mundo da moda tá cada vez mais chique. E de "it bag," ainda.
13. Winning comes from doing things out of your comfort zone (see this entire post). // Vitorioso é aquele que faz tudo fora da sua zona de conforto (refira-se a esse post inteiro).

14. Meeting people who are just as excited about sparkles and tutu skirts as you are is priceless. // Conhecer pessoas que são tão loucas por paetê e saias rodadas quanto você não tem preço.

15. Friends are those who sit through fun things with you. True friends are those who sit through fun things FOR you. // Amigos são aqueles que se divertem com você. Amigos de verdade são aqueles que se divertem POR você.

(A special thank you to Sarah, Julia, Caitlin, Gina, Luciana, Fabricia, my sister, my mom & dad and Remus for coming to support me. You are all the best!)

16. Laughing is the best thing to do when you feel uncomfortable. // Rir é o melhor remédio quando chorar de vergonha pegaria mal.

17. I should feel uncomfortable more often. // Sentir vergonha de vez em quando é bom e faz bem.

Long Jacket: provided by Thrift On The Ave // Top: provided by Thrift On The Ave
Embroidered High-Waisted Shorts: H&M // Pumps: Christian Louboutin // Bracelet: Elizabeth & James
Inspiration and guts: the one and only C.B.

Photos by my friend and photog extraordinaire: Remy Roman.
Thank you to Shaneia Caldwell and Scotta Intimates for granting me this opportunity.