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Detroit, MI

The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.



The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.


Filtering by Tag: stylemile lookback

The Top 10 StyleMile Looks of 2014

Bruna Camargo

Happy Holidays! I hope you've been spending some quality time with your family and loved ones. This time has me looking back and reflecting about all the moments made 2014 the best year of my life. Not to get too sappy, but I want to really thank everyone who's helped me, talked to me, made me laugh, made me cry, and made me dance this year. 2014 sometimes was a bitch, but it was also a great teacher, and at 25 years old, I feel happy and secure with myself in a way I've never felt before.

Part of it has to do with StyleMile and all the experiences and new friends I've gained through it. Thank you so much for sticking around with me on this life journey disguised as a mere "fashion blog." I feel like I've evolved and grown a lot, and so has my sense of style. So here are my top StyleMile looks of 2014. Check 'em out!

Boas festas! Espero que o Natal tenha sido maravilhoso com suas famílias e amigos queridos. Essa época do ano deixa a gente numa nostalgia total, e é sempre bom olhar para trás e refletir sobre todos os momentos que fizeram de 2014 um ano inesquecível. Pra não ficar muito meloso aqui, só queria agradecer rapidinho a todos que estiveram presentes e me ajudaram este ano. 2014 muitas vezes não foi fácil, mas também me ensinou muita coisa, e agora, aos meus 25 anos de idade, eu me sinto feliz e segura comigo mesma de uma forma que eu nunca senti antes.

Parte disso tem a ver com StyleMile e todas as experiências e novos amigos que eu ganhei por aqui. Muito obrigada por participar dessa jornada de vida disfarçada de "blog de moda." Eu sinto que evoluí e cresci muito, e em termos de estilo, não podia ser diferente! Então, aqui estão meus top looks de 2014:

(10) Summer Prints - The long sleeves and beautiful colors in paisley print made this dress an unforgettable one this year.

(9) Jumpsuit Glam - Stylish and — dare I say it — comfortable, this black jumpsuit was everything during a runway event in Detroit.





(8) Fall Capes -  2014: The year of the cape! It's no wonder superheroes wear them; they always come to your outfit's rescue. 

(7) Red Carpet Style - My first red carpet experience at the Teen Choice Awards was made perfect with the help of this look.

(6) Tomboyish - Making "I have nothing to wear" never ring true again by raiding Pedro's closet.




(5) All Black Everything - Early fall begs for elegance. And there's nothing classier than an all-black look and some Chanel.

(4) Indian Spice - The colors, the golden trims, the textures, the flavorsIndian weddings are incredibly beautiful.




(3) Festival Fresh - Fun: That's the definition of Coachella. Between the sounds, the style and the sand, all I wanted to do was have fun.

(2) On The Runway - "Okay, so you're not Heidi Klum, but you're the 'modeliest' of the real people." That's how I felt in my Carrie Bradshaw-inspired runway experience.


(1) 1920's Shine - This dress, though, am I right? My favorite look of the year goes to this gorgeous Badgley Mischka gown I wore to a 1920's-themed wedding, channeling The Great Gatsby's Daisy Buchanan.

Do you agree? What was your fave? Did I miss any? Let me know in the comments!
E aí, o que acharam, meninas? Qual curtiram mais? Esqueci de algum? Diz aí nos comentários!