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Detroit, MI

The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.



The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.


Filtering by Tag: grid

Grid Lock

Bruna Camargo

Thanksgiving was great. I spent 40% of my time eating, 30% sleeping, and the remaining 30% I spent looking at people's Snapchats and Instagrams of their turkey escapades, adorable snot-nosed kids, and overstuffed faces post-meals. My Black Friday shopping had minimal body stomping over toasters involved, but I did score some new pretty things from Target like these slip-on shoes and cozy gloves.

I've become nicely adept of minimal shapes and colors this season, like this grid print dress = LOVE! But I couldn't resist bringing these sunglasses to the party with this look.

Because as it turns out, I can stay away from colors like my Instagram feed can stay away from grandma's stuffing: never and not at all.

Port: O feriado de Thanksgiving aqui foi ótimo. 40% do meu tempo eu comi, 30% eu dormi, e os 30% restante seu passei stalkeando Snapchats e Instagrams alheios, vendo as caras de guerra pós-refeições. Durante minhas comprinhas e Black Friday, não teve gente se socando por causa de torradeiras em promoção, mas teve presentinhos pra mim, tipo esse tênis slip-on e as luvas quentinhas.

To super curtindo pe
ças de formas simples e cores mínimas, tipo esse vestido de estampa de grade = AMO! Mas com esse look, eu não pude resistir esses óculos de sol.

Eu consigo deixar cores alegres de lado do mesmo jeito que o meu feed do Instagram fica longe dos perus (de Thanksgiving, gente!). kkkk

Shop the look

Grid Check Print Dress: Topshop // Coat: Forever 21 [similar] // Leather Quilted Slip-Ons: Target // Bag: Loaffler Randall
Necklace: Charming Charlie // Sunnies: Pixie Market [similar] // Gloves: Target // Long Scarf: H&M [similar]

Thankful for my sister Gabriela for taking these fabulous photos.