Bruna Camargo

One year ago, during a sunny morning drive to Holland, MI, I learned of the death of one of my favorite artists. Amy Winehouse had been found lifeless in her Camden Town apartment in London. I was crushed and saddened and for about a week straight, I drank wine and listened to Back to Black like it was going out of style… well, unfortunately, it was.

But over the course of this year, I think I listened to her voice in my earbuds and during my morning commute more than anyone else. And to me, she will continue to live forever through her voice, her spirit, and just the simple outline of her signature beehive hair on a t-shirt. I hope her troubled soul found solace, wherever she may be.
And while I’m on this less-than-fortunate subject, I’d like to point out just how upset I became over the Aurora Theater Shooting. I don’t know what exactly brings a human being to act in such a brutal manner - and I doubt I or anyone else will ever find out. People become unstable far too often in this insane world. Keep the ones you love close to you, and never go a day without demonstrating how much you do.
To the 12 lost and their families, I hope they can try to make some sense out of this. I was at a Dark Knight midnight showing myself, and many times I have picture it happening in where I was. It’s a stifling thought.
Sorry for the dark mood… Had to get this down somehow.
Coral Blazer: Stoosh via TJ Maxx [similar] // Black Jeans: Express // Strappy Sandals: Shoestock Brasil // Handbag: Kathy Van Zeeland (I must be 12)