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Detroit, MI

The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.



The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.


Détroit Is The New Black

Bruna Camargo

You can have any color you want, so long as it’s black.
— Henry Ford

Store openings can be a dime a dozen. That is not the case for Détroit Is The New Black. 1426 Woodward Avenue in Detroit is now the home of this avant-garde, completely simplistic yet entirely complex brand of clothing and accessories. 

I remember the first time I saw a t-shirt with the slogan. It was in 2014 and I was immediately drawn to the statement it made.

Now, under the leadership of founder Roslyn Karamoko, whom I first met at FashionSpeak 2 years ago, but had the pleasure of hearing speak during last year's edition, it's stronger than ever.  

DITNB is calm, cool and collected – there aren't that many pieces in the space, which also doubles as an art gallery, with pieces by Detroit-based fine artist Leon Dickey

The store is gorgeous and brings to downtown Detroit the opportunity to shop for designer pieces. DITNB carries Tracy Reese's latest collection of dresses in the store as well.

The resurgence of the city has made splashy headlines and raised eyebrows when it first started to happen, but it's places like DITNB, which provides an experience of some of the sharpest, best design senses I've seen in a retail space in a long time, that really cement it down.

I highly recommend a visit. My new cropped heather-gray sweatshirt and DITNB sassy bodysuit do, too.

Soaking up the opening with The Closet Confessional's Dana Frost and Detroit Free Press's Ashley Woods.

Mens and womens apparel pieces are available.

Hats by Will Leather Goods

Roslyn Karamoko, founder of Détroit Is The New Black

Final thoughts: Between the attention to detail, and the stark, almost untouchable style Détroit Is The New Black provides, I think everyone can benefit from a little colorless addition to their closet. Maybe next time I'll reconsider wearing a bright red dress and colorful sneakers to a store opening this cool. ;)