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Detroit, MI

The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.



The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.


Don't miss it: FashionSpeak 2014

Bruna Camargo

Another exciting fashion event is taking place in Detroit soon! Don't miss FashionSpeak on October 16 2014, the only conference of its kind in Michigan, presented by Taubman and brought to you by Detroit Garment Group Guild (DG3). Renowned American designer and LBD Queen Tracy Reese will be headlining and sharing all of her knowledge of the fashion industry, amongst other fashion industry experts. 

Get your tickets now! 

What: Fashion conference comprised of five 70-minute workshops all centered around the business of fashion.


  • Tracy Reese: Fashion designer
  • Malina Joseph: Senior Market Editor, New York Times T Magazine
  • Matthew Burnett: Co-Founder and CEO, Maker's Row
  • Jeanette Puig-Pey: Global Design Manager, Lear Coporation
  • Bridget Sullivan: Automotive Fabric Designe, Lear Corporation
  • Rachel Lutz: Owner, The Peacock Room

When: Thursday, October 16, 2014 | 9am-7pm

Where: The historic and modern One Woodward building

How Much: $40.00

Tracy Reese dress on StyleMile in 2012

Tracy Reese dress on StyleMile in 2012

Tracy Reese dress on StyleMile in 2014

Tracy Reese dress on StyleMile in 2014

What's in it for you: Attendees will receive top-notch education, insight and advice during the workshops. Lunch will be served, and attendees can later mix and mingle with the experts at the complimentary Thank You Cocktail Reception immediately following the conference.

Attendees include fashion and accessories designers, photographers, bloggers, wardrobe stylists, fashion retailers, students, and more. Tickets are for sale here for $40. 

Bring your mom, bring your bestie, bring your sister or bring your purse, just don't miss FashionSpeak 2014!

FashionSpeak 2013 Workshop

FashionSpeak 2013 

FashionSpeak 2013 

Thank you, StyleShack for bringing me to this event. <3