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Detroit, MI

The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.



The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.


Filtering by Category: Style

How To: wear Crazy Prints

Bruna Camargo

So this jacket was a toughie! When I saw it on the rack, I was immediately drawn to it. It was something about the cut, the colors, the fabric, the boldness of it. The only concern I had was: “How the hell am I gonna wear this overbearing print pattern?!”

You could just stick to wearing the basics: black everything, plus the jacket as a pop. But I thought a jacket this unique deserved something different. Pairing it with a leopard print belt and a fun tee-shirt (in this case, my faux-Céline-gotta-look-twice Célfie tee did the trick. 

So here’s what you can do:

  • Wear it as a sole piece of print, leaving everything else in neutral colors;
  • Pair it with another print - try to make it more muted than the main focus piece, though (see above);
  • Wear it with solid pieces - pulling one color from the print pattern as a top or bottom (in this case, maybe a maize or purple shirt or pant)
  • Create your own rules and forget everything I’m saying! 

Some might say it’s too much information. I say, knowledge is power. ;) (Oh, that and screw what everyone else - including me! - says.)

Baroque Chain Print Jacket: Forever 21 [similar] & [dream Chanel version here] // Célfie Tee: Sincerely Jules or [here] // Jeans: Seven 7 Jeans // Bag: Phillip Lim for Target Top Handle Crossbody // Belt: The Limited // Sunnies: Elle & The Sea // Bracelets: Forever 21 [similar]

Photos by: Pedro Pacheco 


Bruna Camargo

For a lot of us fashion enthusiasts, September 15 2013 was circled, starred and impatiently awaited. The Phillip Lim for Target collaboration was to be launched.

So I got my tush to the store at 8am on a Sunday morning to get my hands on the most exciting pieces of clothing/accessories since the Garden of Eden ran out of leaves. 

Okay, maybe that’s too much. But I was very pumped. Lo and behold, I got my hands on a lot of goodies, which I’m sure everyone and their mother are going to be debuting out of their closets in the next few weeks.

But I was also pleasantly surprised with Target’s own collection, which had prices that even ran above Phillip Lim’s. They really seem to be stepping up their style game and I think they could soon be ranked right alongside the other fast fashion places we’re used to - H&M and the like.

Blouse: Phillip Lim for Target // Pants: Mossimo/Target // Bag: Phillip Lim for Target // Shoes: Dolce & Gabbana // Sunnies: Kate Spade // Necklace: H&M

Photos by the wonderful Pedro :)