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Detroit, MI

The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.



The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.


Filtering by Category: Style

Fun in the sun with friends!

Bruna Camargo

What a great way to spend a sunny Sunday afternoon. Eating hot dogs and sipping cocktails. It’s finally stopped feeling like we were time-warped back to February here in Michigan, and we were able to soak up the sun. 

I especially loved this summer outfit with the boots. Pulls it all together nicely and it makes me feel like a badass Lana Del Rey… And who am I to fight that feeling?

Denim Shorts: Forever 21 // Lace cardigan: Forever 21 // Boots: Steve Madden // Belt: H&M [similar] // Sunnies: Coach [similar] // Chain: Joa & Closet