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Detroit, MI

The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.



The journey to finding your style starts with finding yourself.


Filtering by Category: Style

REBEL NELL: Detroit Jewelry for a Cause

Bruna Camargo

Striped Jacket: Zara [similar] // Electric Blue Skirt: Vince Camuto [similar] // Top: H&M Basics // Tote Bag: Cuyana // Necklace: c/o Rebel Nell // Bracelet: c/o Ettika // Sunnies: Coach // Knee-High Boots: Ebay 

So excited to be wearing a piece from the Detroit's very own Rebel Nell! This necklace is one-of-a-kind, uniquely created from fallen Detroit graffiti. Basically, as a Detroiter, there's nothing more amazing than wearing a part of the city so close to your heart.

Not only are these beautiful and distinct pieces, but they are also helping disadvantaged women in Detroit by employing, educating and empowering them to a life of self-reliance. Founded by Amy Peterson and Diana Russell in early 2013, Rebel Nell combines their passion for their city and assisting women and turns it into defiant jewelry with a purpose. 

PT: Super feliz com o colar que ganhei de presente da Rebel Nell, uma marca local de Detroit! A Rebel Nell faz peças totalmente únicas, criadas a partir de grafites antigos pela cidade, que caíram em esquecimento até caírem no chão, após tantas aplicações e camadas de tinta. Tendo morado em subúrbios de Detroit por quase 12 anos, é bem bacana poder carregar, literalmente, um pedaço da cidade junto com você. 

Essas criaçōes também estão ajudando as mulheres com poucos recursos de Detroit, dando emprego e apoio necessário. Fundada por Amy Peterson e Diana Russell no início de 2013, Rebel Nell combina sua paixão por Detroit e por ajudar o próximo e as transforma em arte por uma causa!

Founded in 2013 by Detroiters Amy Peterson and Diana Russell, Rebel Nell creates jewelry with a purpose. Using broken graffiti pieces found on the ground, Rebel Nell repurposes the local resource into wearable art.


Bruna Camargo

You would think I REALLY love snow by looking at these photos. But the truth is, I am SO not a winter person. However, living in Michigan, I tend to tolerate it. Especially because the low temps yield such elegant and stylish combinations. And you all know I'm a sucker for accessories, like the knee high socks and the knit headband - they just add a certain wintertime sass to a look. So I'll layer up and head outside with Maggie (in a matching sweater even!). Just don't make me drive in the snow anymore... 

Red Coat: Forever 21 [similar for $28 here!] & [here] // Oversized Crochet Sweater: Kenar [similar from the boys] // Boots: Madden Girl // Bag: Emma Fox // Sunnies: Coach // Headband: Candie's [similar] // Knee-High Socks: c/o Gold Toe // Necklace: Forever 21 // Lip Color: Chanel Rouge Allure Exaltée

** Thanks to my mom for taking these photos! She's becoming a great photog as well. :)